According to the overseas website, according to the Yonhap News Agency on the 26th, the《传染病防治管理法》修订案规定,传染病预警级别为“注意”以上时,向社会福利设施内的老年人、儿童等易感染人群提供口罩;甲类传染病流行引发医药品涨价或供应不足时,应在保健福祉部长官公布的期限内,禁止口罩和消毒液等物资出口;大幅扩充流行病学调查人员;药剂师等医疗机构开方配药时,务必确认患者的海外旅行史。
The amendment to the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases stipulates that《检疫法》修订案规定,福祉部长官有权要求法务部长官禁止来自传染病流行或可能流行地区的外国人入境。
The amendment to the Quarantine Law provides that the Minister of Welfare has the right to《医疗法》修订案规定新设医疗机构内患者、家属和医务人员传染监控体系等。
The "Medical Law" amendment provides for the establishment of a new infection monitoring韩国国会称,期待上述修订案的通过,可以从国家层面加强应对传染病的能力,并减轻国民对于新冠肺炎疫情的不安心理。
The South Korean parliament said that looking forward to the adoption of the amendment, it can strengthen the ability to respond to infectious diseases at the national level and reduce the national anxiety about the new crown pneumonia epidemic.----------------------------------------------------------------------